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  • Leadville Mountains Wel­come to Lead­ville Poker Club. Loc­ated in Lead­ville where all is covered with snow al­most all the time, we guar­an­tee warm and friendly at­mo­sphere at poker tour­na­ments our club reg­u­larly holds.

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Poker Quotes

The odds are merely a framework for play, like the lines of a tennis court.
David Spanier (1901)

What comes to your mind when you hear the word “poker”? Absolutely obvious - you can almost feel the smell of big money, nice green tables, handsome people and expensive equipment. Being a new comer you never know what will those tricky “Titan poker bonus code” or “Titan Poker Guru” mean. You will be seduced with weird “Sit’N’Gos”, “Titan poker’s Lord of the Grind” and “Guaranteed Freezeouts”. Anyway, deeply you go – more you know. Definitely there are many people who will tell you that poker is much more mathematics than luck. However, those who play poker frequently, know that it’s really true. Despite you can win your cash being just a first timer and you can lose your cash, being ten years professional player. All those popular stories about the guy, who had just started and right after he understood the rules he had made his game and got thousands of dollars cash – all those stories are no more than just a reflection of the eternal hope to be the winner without any efforts.

I don’t think you have come to play poker just for once. I do hope you can understand the soul of the game, it’s excitement and it’s joy. Nowadays it’s so much easy to start – the only thing you need is you computer, internet connection, fresh head and a little bit luck. There are dozens of ways to start, just use any website for trial games. After some time, when you will feel yourself a little bit more confident, you can register at any bigger online poker website in order to try your luck with a real money.

But be attentive, don’t miss your chance – there are many ways and bonuses that can make newcomer’s life easier. For example, you can be sure that many poker websites offer you benefits for registration. It can be bonus for minimal deposit or bonus just for account registration, like titan poker bonus code. There can be Special tournament invites or tickets for exact tournaments. So don’t be too much careless when you start – if you really have the soul of true player, you won’t lose any of those additional chances to add some more money to your deposit. And as everybody knows money will come to money, so there is no sense to ignore the benefits at the beginning.

So, if you have read this until the end I do have nothing more to say than just – good luck and have a good start!