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  • Leadville Mountains Wel­come to Lead­ville Poker Club. Loc­ated in Lead­ville where all is covered with snow al­most all the time, we guar­an­tee warm and friendly at­mo­sphere at poker tour­na­ments our club reg­u­larly holds.

Play Online Poker Games Vegas Style

Poker Quotes

Limit poker is a science, but no-limit is an art. In limit, you are shooting at a target. In no-limit, the target comes alive and shoots back at you.
Jack Strauss

Casino Las Vegas

While there is still only one Las Vegas there are many ways to play Las Vegas Casino online. This online poker brings the same thrills as the actual version but it can be played anywhere at any time. There is no need to worry about thieves in a casino or if the dealer will make a mistake since it is all run by computer. Also, there is a variety of different types to choose from ranging from Texas Hold’em to Tequila poker. These games provide the same realism and variety that is in Las Vegas casinos and it is just as, or even more fun than the original.

One of the fastest up and coming versions of poker is called Tequila poker. It is the fastest version of poker and it provides high intensity to the players that will get their adrenaline pumping. It is a combination of blackjack and poker and if the player hits a predetermined amount of points they will either win or lose. First, the players bet their antes and then the dealer deals 4 cards to each player. Then the player decides whether or not they want to fold or if they want to continue playing which will require them to double their antes. Then the player must create the best 5 card hand they can with the cards being assigned the same values as in blackjack. After this the game is over and it is repeated.

Las Vegas video poker games online gives the player full reigns on how far the stakes go so they can win big. If the player just wants to play some low stakes poker then it is completely available also. Games like Texas Holdem can be slow and steady or if the players are feeling risky the game can be decided in minutes. Or pick an alternative like Tequila Poker and experience a continuously fast paced game of skill.

Instead of hitting the road to Vegas why not enjoy it from a computer at any time? Play a multitude of online poker games against friends or strangers and rake in the money through smart playing. This is the closest experience a person can get to the flashing lights of the Vegas casinos from the comfort of their own home. Since there are many different games to play the possibilities are endless and this will provide for hundreds of hours of fresh and fun gambling.