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  • Leadville Mountains Wel­come to Lead­ville Poker Club. Loc­ated in Lead­ville where all is covered with snow al­most all the time, we guar­an­tee warm and friendly at­mo­sphere at poker tour­na­ments our club reg­u­larly holds.

Celebrity Poker Players, Who and How They Help With Their Winnings

Poker Quotes

It never hurts for potential opponents to think you're more than a little stupid and can hardly count all the money in your hip pocket, much less hold on to it.
Amarillo Slim

In terms of the social acceptance, poker and poker players have made a long way. While the mainstream public used to believe that professional poker players were nothing more than degenerates, things have changed in recent years. Now professional poker players are the celebrities of their own position. Some have starred in movies or TV programs having nothing to do with poker, they sign autographs and more importantly, they work with different charities to help gain them more exposure and with donations.

Charity and Donations

A player like Barry Greenstein considered the Robin Hood and the Great Bluffer of Poker, tends to donate quite a large amount of his winnings to different charities. He also fills his website with links to charities that he cares about, giving free advertising space to charities such as Children Incorporated, and and many more. Phil Gordon tends to gear more toward cancer examine and treatment by raising money and awareness with events like Bad Beat on the Cancer. This is just a very small fraction of the poker players who are trying to make difference in their world and ours by helping those who truly need it and it is more than a tax writes off to people like these, they do this for causes that they stand behind and believe in.

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Annie Duke has teamed up with poker player or actor Don Cheadle’s to help gain attention for Ante up for the Africa. While doing work for them, they have managed to get them quite a bit of media attention, along with plenty of sizable donations.

Play Poker to Help Children

Recently, in a conversation with Beth Shak, the talented and beautiful Team Full Slope Pro, Beth told the media about the wonderful work which she and husband of her are devoted to and why they do it, "It is about the Children Hospital of the Philadelphia (CHOP) and the Palliative Concern Program. This is a program to lethally ill children and youth. What it really does is help children and their families by their end time of their life type process. Why we have chosen to help it is that there actually is no endowment to support this kind of program. The people just don't desire to hear about incurably ill children. This is horrible, except they need cash and they need taken care. While these families go away the Children Hospital of Philadelphia area they do not go away with a bill. Then CHOP picks up all bills that they have made. The program was wonderful and the Doctors and the facilities are also wonderful. This was a special time for me"

As recently as November 12th, Beth and husband of her recently hosted and attended a celebrity Poker Tournament which included such players as Phil Ivey with Annie Duke. You can learn more about the events that they host at  

Poker Players Are Generous

These are just a minute example of the charitable events that some poker players have gotten involved in, it must be pointed out that poker players are, as other people in this world, generous, caring individuals. While most poker players do what they do out of love for the charity and, well, let's admit that they really have the money and the followings to be able to bring a lot of attention to the table when it comes to these charities. They are able to get some media attention for these charities which otherwise most people may never have heard about them.

We have all seen the celebrities that go and play on game shows and donate their winnings to the charities of their choice, but with these poker players, it is more than just a quick mention on a television show about a charity. They host events, donate their own money; donate time and energy, giving a piece of themselves to their charities that they believe in.

It is the hope of poker associations, to be able to change the typical stereotype associated with those who play cards for a living. Simply because a person plays poker for a living does not mean he is a degenerate who will cheat and lie, just to make a few bucks and it is the hope that by publicizing their charitable works, that they can help to change the mainstream image of the typical poker player.