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  • Leadville Mountains Wel­come to Lead­ville Poker Club. Loc­ated in Lead­ville where all is covered with snow al­most all the time, we guar­an­tee warm and friendly at­mo­sphere at poker tour­na­ments our club reg­u­larly holds.

What is a Showdown in Poker?

Poker Quotes

"How long does it take to learn poker, Dad?"
"All your life, son."
Michael Pertwee

Poker is a very interesting game where the probability of a player winning a given game depends on the scenario on the table. A scenario may arise where there are two players or more in a poker table after the last betting round. Such a situation usually calls for all the players to show their card value to determine the winner or winners of the game. All players are required to place their cards face up on the poker table to determine the winner irrespective of whether they were used in the last hand that was played or not.

Showing of Cards

The order of displaying the actual value of a given player is something that is usually under contention. A player usually feels that displaying his or her cards first in the poker table provides undue advantage to his or her opponents. A player that has a higher assurance of winning is usually advised to show the values of his or her cards promptly. However there are advantages that are given to a player who was dealt in. this player reserves the right to give directions to any hand that is participating in the show down to showcase their value.

Mucked Cards

The privilege given to the player who was dealt in also encompasses mucked hands. However there are some restrictions on these privileges to prevent misuse by the player to gain undue advantage of his or her opponents. Failure to align to the guidelines set by the facilitators of the game may lead to a warning on the player or even expulsion from the poker game. This privilege is mostly used when the player who was dealt in last anticipates collusion during the process of show down. The privilege can also be exploited when the player dealt has a strong feeling that the other opponents are engaging in cheating practices during the course of the game.

There have been recent improvements in the use of this privilege in an attempt to protect mucked losing hands from unscrupulous gamers. The privilege has been narrowed down considerably to encompass only the player who was dealt last. The player is only granted the privilege if he or she is under a strong suspicion that the show down is likely to result in a collusion. There are players who take undue advantage on players with losing hands by employing the use of a rare play that is commonly referred to as a call bluff.

There is also a rising concern between players on when it is advisable to call for a show down. Like all other moves in poker, the answer of when to call for a show down largely depends on the actual happenings on the poker table. One should consider the moves of the other players keenly before calling or opting for a show down. The rule for calling a show down is largely dependant on the card values in the hand of the player. A player should call for a show down where the value of the cards is too low to win a bet but has a guarantee of winning the game.