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  • Leadville Mountains Wel­come to Lead­ville Poker Club. Loc­ated in Lead­ville where all is covered with snow al­most all the time, we guar­an­tee warm and friendly at­mo­sphere at poker tour­na­ments our club reg­u­larly holds.

Single Player and Multi Player Casino Games

Poker Quotes

Omaha is a game that was invented by a Sadist and is played by Masochists.
Shane Smith

Casino games usually offer predictable long term benefits to the casino, also referred to as the "house," while providing every player with an opportunity for a large, short term payout. There is not a huge selection of casino games that provide an element of skill and where the players are allowed to make their decisions. These are usually called random games with a tactical element. Some of the best casino games that can be played are where the house has the smallest possible edge or the player has a bigger advantage.

Here are some examples of both single and multiplayer games:

Casino Poker:

This is a multiplayer casino game where the winner is determined by skill. Most players are competing against each other rather than the house. If you catch on to it, you can certainly gain an advantage over more inexperienced players.

Video Poker:

Another game that can be played with a single player or a posse, they tend to not provide a 100 percent payback to players by using a mathematical strategy. The game is very simple to learn and quite popular both online as well as in the casino.

Blackjack Basic Strategy:

This casino game can lower the house edge to less than 1% and draws the largest pool of players around the world. Usually the house edge is based on the amount of decks used and the rules of each game. Any player can easily determine the house edge from this piece of information and this can be played with one player or several.

Pai Gow Banker:

A combination of a centuries old Chinese domino and American poker, this is a multiplayer game where one player is the banker and a 5% commission is paid to the house. It happens to be a pretty level playing field and with the right set of skills, you can be quite successful.


In this game, the house has only a 1.24 percent edge, so it makes it an enticing wager. When playing baccarat, the player should avoid a tie bet, as that is not at all a winning move. It can be played with multiple players as well.

Craps Place 6 and 8:

In this game placing the 6 and 8 at the craps table is actually a pretty darn good bet. The house edge in this game is only 1.52 %. In this game the six and eight are rolled more often than any number and other than the seven. One or more players can engage in this game.